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Para flush tea

Para flush tea


98% of the world population are infested with microscopic parasites on some degree. From what we consume what we drink the air we breathe and some vaccine shots. Parasites are the number one leading cause to cancer and inflammation in the body. If you doubt it then you probably wont do nothing about it!

Directions: take two ounces twice a day on a empty stomach. Drink lots of alkaline water or natural fruit juices (h3o2). Avoid process food, alcohol, smoking and meat. I recommend all juice livet while on the cleanse as it will aid in flushing out parasites, crystallize mucous and cholesterol plaque

Ingredients : organic black walnut hull, organic, wormwood, organic chaparral,, organic clove, organic sarasaparilla

Signs of parasites:

Skin bumps or rashes.

weight loss, increased appetite, or both.

abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

sleeping problems.


aches and pains.


weakness and general feeling unwell.

eczema and psoriasis,

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

  • Return policy

    We do not accept returns

  • Instructions

    Take 1oz twice a day for 7 days. No meat no process food no alcohol no smoking

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